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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Lake House


Keanu Reeves ... Alex Wyler

Sandra Bullock ... Kate Forster

story talk about:

When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven. When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time. Written by Blithe Spiritus

Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock) is moving out from her lake house, built all of it with glass. She is a doctor and has just begin to work in a hospital in Chicago, moving to a new flat in the center of the city. Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves) is the new owner of the lake house, a young architect who's working in the construction of a new complex of houses at the city skirts. Alex and Kate are maintaining a correspondence, talking about the house matters, sending each other letters, which are put in the lake house's letter box. But a strange thing is happening, because both of them find out that the letter box is working as a kind of time communication channel, between the year 2004, where Alex's living, and 2006, the year that Kate's actually living. After sending each other many letters talking about their lives, and Kate talking to Alex about how life will be in two years, it seems like they're falling in love each other. But maybe they will never meet each other, because of the time distance. Nevertheless, Kate comes up with a memory from 2004, when she forgot a book in a train station, Jane Austen's "Persuasion", and she'll ask Alex to go to that place in that precise moment, when she lost the book. Maybe the future of Kate is about to change, when Alex decides to meet Kate's other self in the past, despite the fact that she has a boyfriend. They will learn that playing with time could be a little bit dangerous for both of them, but Alex will take everything into his hands to finally meet Kate in the future. Written by Alejandro Frias

In Chicago, the lonely architect Alex Wyler has a troubled relationship with his father Simon Wyler. In 2004, he buys an old glass house in a lake, designed and built by his father, and he finds a message in his mailbox from the former tenant, the also lonely Dr. Kate Forster, asking to deliver her correspondence in an address downtown. Alex meets his brother Henry in Chicago and when they go to the address with Dr. Forster's correspondence, they find a building of luxury apartments under construction to be delivered eighteen months later. After some messages, Alex and Kate disclose that she is living in 2006 and Alex in 2004, they fall in love for each other and they try to find means to meet each other. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

ppl...the film is awesome.....

i tried to tell the story like koukawy write in her blog...but i can't do it i...ll2asf ..copy all about the film from site ..:)


koukawy said...

انت شجعتني اتفرج عليه و خصوصا اني بحب
sandra bullock
اول ما اشوفه هعمل عنه بوست و اعل لينك عليك
ميرسي يا سفحفح

vision said...

ألأفيلم ده من بعد ما اشوفتو مش عارفه اشوف افلاام رومانتيك تانى تححححححححححححححححففففففففففففففففففففه
و الجو تحفه كولو كولو تحفه وان تولد تحفه عالشان كتبت عنو

Anonymous said...

One of the wonderful movies indeed!!

Sandra Bullock is doing great job as usual!! and Keeanu Reeves as well!!

the music and soundtrack as well are just marvellous!!

thank you for reminding me of such a lovely movie

safa7_karmooz said...


ماشى يا كوكو ...مستنى تتفرجى عليه...ونشوف اجمد نقد منك..:)


camera girl :

والله انتى بتفهمى كويس والله ....

بجد تحفة موووووووووووووووووووت

وانتى اجمد عشان جيتى وكتبتى ردك ده ...:)

safa7_karmooz said...


مش هقدر ااقول كلام زيادة فوق كلامك....

الفيلم فعلا تحفه...والميوزك...والابطال كمان
